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crowning NNH


L’atelier Kunst Spiel Raum, Berlin, Month of Performance Art Berlin 2013
invited by and in collaboration with PANIK 11

During the performance ‘Crowning NNH’ the audience was part of the official inauguration where Marieke Warmelink was crowned as the new King of the network; NNH.



....”Today I stand before this joint session of L’Atelier Kunst Spiel Raum to be sworn in and invested as the new King of the Network of New Humanism. You have gathered here in the nation’s

capital of Germany for this purpose as the elected representatives of the people’ s Network. This

symbolises our bonds we created over the passing of time....”


...”I succeed to the throne at a time when many in the world feel vulnerable and uncertain. Uncertain about their income or the environment in which they live. But we, people of the network have always fought to continue doing what we love most, we know how to follow our hearts and passion to continueously create and recreate the future. We know that the impossible is possible. This is our strength and this is what we can inspire other people with....”

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