in the media
Women INC ; "The media have an important role in increasing and decreasing opportunities. It is time for inclusive media, in which everyone is heard and seen and in which stereotypical imagery does not limit the opportunities of certain groups. Women are still underrepresented in Dutch news media. ”
Women INC (founded in 2005) is an interest group that accelerates emancipation in the Netherlands
Hereby an overview of Dutch News Articles about Marieke Warmelink
Noordhollands Dagblad (all regions of the North of Holland),
Item on Rodi TV via youtube by Mieke Roozing en Ed Bausch.
Article NH Radio 10-2-2022
Guest at Noord Holland Radio lunchroom. 8-2-2022
Podcast interview van NH radio.
Interview with Marieke Warmelink on page International Womensday
Article Dijk en Waard
Guest at talkshow Omroep Castricum, Couleure Locale. (from minute 26)
Reportage van Ijmond Nieuws